An old Aikido demonstration performed by friends at a gym in Antique, Philippines. I have broken this down into basic techniques so that readers can use this as a practice guide, this I believe is Mune Tsuke Kote Gaeshi.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Old Aikido Demonstration - October 2000 (Post 2)
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Old Aikido Demonstration - October 2000 (Post 1)
An old Aikido demonstration performed by friends at a gym in Antique, Philippines. I have broken this down into basic techniques so that readers can use this as a practice guide, this I believe is Shomen Uchi-Kokyu Nage.
japanese martial art,
martial art,
martial arts,
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Best Age for Men to Make a Healthy Baby

The capacity of women in giving birth ends after menopause. Men are still capable of making their partner pregnant even up to their 70's, like some famous celebrity fathers. The health of the first time mothers were always the focus in monitoring the health of the baby, but recent findings have shown that the condition and age of the father should also not be ignored. The belief that the quality of the mens sperm is the same from its puberty until he dies, is definitely not true. This belief is mainly because of the patriarchal society of most nations. Men are also like women, they have also a biological clock that ticks away the capacity to reproduce as the years pass by. Men in their 50's can still be a father, but will definitely take a longer time to make her partner pregnant compared to a 30 year old father.
As men grow old, the testes becomes small and decreases in size, and the swimming ability of the sperm decreases. We all know that the very hard journey that the sperm travels in order to fertilize an egg, and if their swimming ability is hampered, the chances of the sperm of getting the egg fertilized decreases.
The condition and age of the biological father has a great and disturbing effect on the baby. One disorder that has been seen on newborns with fathers aged 40 years and up is autism. This kind of disorder has a much lower occurrence on newborns with fathers aging 39 years and below. The risks of having babies with birth defects increase as the age of the father increases. Fathers at the age of 50 have babies with achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder because of the mutation of the genes. The chances of cognitive impairment also increases with babies with very old fathers.
Even before the conception of your baby, looking ahead and planning for the future will have a great effect on the growth of your future child. The man must always have an open communication with his partner in order to prepare themselves on what changes that they will encounter. For men who still don't have any plans on starting a family even when they are already about to reach the age of 40, they must always make their self fit always, eliminate all vices in order to reduce the risk of complication in your offspring. We must see pregnancy as our chance of taking care of a wonderful gift given to us, and facing the changes that you will face in the future together with your partner.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
"Cheap Ways" To Enjoy The Summer
One of the favorite destinations of every Filipino family during summer is the beach. One of the most enjoyable time of the year where you can be together with your family. Most of the children who are at vacation during this time always look forward to this time of the year where they have no more classes and they can play all day long. The mother can simply prepare some food that they can take in the beach, and some towels where they can lay in the sand, and everything is set. Just do not forget to always bring sunblock lotion to protect the children from the harmful rays of the sun. A disadvantage in open or public beaches is that it will not assure you of the cleanliness of the water, especially if there are many houses living near the coastline. To enjoy a clean beach area for your family to enjoy, you can always choose a private resort, but you need to pay some entrance fee, and rent a cottage, which is more expensive.
One very affordable way of enjoying the joys of swimming, and cooling yourself and your family during this hot summer season, is to buy a rubberized family pool! Having an average-sized rubber pool in your front yard will allow your family to enjoy swimming during the summer season without the hassle of going to the beach, and getting immersed in the unclean beach water of a public beach. An average-sized rubber pool, about 5 feet in diameter, is only about P1,500 in department stores nowadays. A very cheap investment that your family can enjoy. It is a very nice to place your rubberized pool under a large tree in your front yard so that your family can enjoy swimming even during noontime were the sun is high! A rubber pool is very easy to maintain, and if well taken care of, it can surely last a very long time for your family can enjoy.
Aikido Days
Found my old site and reposting some articles there about our Aikido club. I am also updating the contents and information on that site here.
original site:
When he went home in the Philippines, he taught for a short while in YMCA Iloilo and in a dojo in Mandurriao, a town in Iloilo. And in 1991, he founded the Iloilo Aikido Dojo in Villa, Iloilo.
Currently, the Iloilo Aikido Dojo which Sensei Francisco Valencia founded still thrives but has relocated to Javellana St., Jaro, Iloilo City with Ramon "Jack" Tentia, one of the few students awarded by Sensei Valencia with a Shodan title, as the head instructor due to the ailing condition of Sensei Francisco Valencia.

Sensei Francisco P. Valencia was born August 14, 1922 in Iloilo City, Philippines. He first started practicing Aikido when he was
stationed at an American base in Guam, Marianas Island. In May 23, 1965 during a rigorous examination, he recieved his Shodan certificate from Sensei David Kalama and Sensei Richard Sasaki of the Guam Aikido Dojo making him one of the first Filipino Blackbelts in the whole world. When he recieved his Shodan certificate in 1965, he became the third highest ranking instructor in the Hawaii Aiki Kwai. In 1967 he was promoted to 2nd Dan and he instructed classes in the Hawaii Aiki Kwai, the Marianas Aiki Kwai as well as the Guam Aikido Club.
During 1968, he with Sensei David Kalama and Sensei Roger Sasaki were conducting classes for about 70 members at the Asan dojo in Guam, Marianas Island. At that period he was also conducting classes for the Roxas Aikido Club. By 1970 he was already promoted to 3rd Dan or Sandan and in 1974 he was promoted to the title of 4th Dan or Yodan in japanese.
During his time in Guam, Sensei Francisco P. Valencia was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Guam Aikido Club and a practicing member of the Guam Judo Club. Much later he was offered the job of representing Aikido in the Philippines but due to the fact that it conflicted with his work in Guam he declined the offer.
When he went home in the Philippines, he taught for a short while in YMCA Iloilo and in a dojo in Mandurriao, a town in Iloilo. And in 1991, he founded the Iloilo Aikido Dojo in Villa, Iloilo.
Currently, the Iloilo Aikido Dojo which Sensei Francisco Valencia founded still thrives but has relocated to Javellana St., Jaro, Iloilo City with Ramon "Jack" Tentia, one of the few students awarded by Sensei Valencia with a Shodan title, as the head instructor due to the ailing condition of Sensei Francisco Valencia.
martial art,
martial arts,
self defense,
Monday, March 28, 2011
FMA Legacy
Lucky for me though that I had an uncle that is well known for practicing "Arnis de Mano", a Filipino martial art that is as old as the Filipino race itself. Arnis is a martial art that is characterized by the use of sticks, made from hardwood trees indigenous to the Philippine archipelago, as defensive tools or as weapons to attack an enemy.
The Arnis system has many forms and are as diverse as the 7,107 islands of the archipelago. From the single stick technique that is “Arnis de Mano”, to a double stick technique “Doble Baston”, to double handed staff-length stick techniques that is called “Largo Mano”, and stick-and-dagger technique variants called “Espada y Daga” and many others.
By learning this age-old self defense system from my uncle that emphasizes learning to use a weapon first rather than training and defending yourself empty-handed, I was endowed with a feeling of security and confidence in my actions which helped propel me out of that environment and into a better one.
Today, like my uncle did in his spare time many years ago, I also teach people this art so that they can better themselves and lead them to a hopeful future like it did to me.
self defense,
Teen Age Drinking - Silent Destroyer Of Our Youth

Drinking among teenagers nowadays are very rampant. Every event in a high school student's years up to college, drinking alcoholic beverages is very common and are usually ignored by the parents and guardians. Even how strict a parent is, a young adult can always find a way of getting past their parents and continue drinking alcoholic beverages. It may start as a curiosity, and tasting of alcoholic beverage by a 13 year old, but as it goes unmonitored, the situation becomes severe already before the parent is aware of the condition of their child. Unlike other vices, drinking alcoholic beverage does not need a lot of money. Few high school students, can easily save their allowance to buy 1 bottle of whiskey mixed with soda, which they can already enjoy together.
Addiction in alcohol among teenagers is very rampant and often continues silently. Peer pressure is the one that has the greatest contribution on teenage alcoholism. That is why parents are advised to know, and if possible, to choose the friends that your child goes with.
Educating young people on the harmful effects of alcohol, with the proper parental guidance are few of the important things that can help our youth in preventing them from being hooked to alcoholism.
young adult,
young adults,
Red Wine For Good Health - The Magic Of Resveratrol
This amazing component is an antioxidant, anti-mutagen, and anti-inflammatory agent, which protects the body from heart diseases and cancer. Resveratrol can be found in the skin of grapes and other fruits, that is why this is very abundant in red wines. This is believed to be the reason behind the French Paradox, even if they have a large amount of saturated fats in their diets, the French still have few cases of heart problems compared to other nationality because of the large quantity of red wine in their day to day diet.
anti inflammatory,
anti oxidant,
health tips,
red wine,
Common Herbal Plants At Your Backyard
Due to the rising prices of medicines today, an average Filipino family with a sufficient backyard area in their home is strongly encouraged to cultivate medicinal plants. We may always take care of are children and loved ones, but still, there are other common ailments that are inevitable, and may affect our family. Having a small garden of herbal plants in your backyard would be beneficial in the health and well being of your family.
Some of the herbal plants that are very easy to grow, and have great help in treating various ailments are the following:
1. Akapulko - these plant is a treatment for fungal infections of the skin, and for ringworms.
2. Ampalaya - eating this vegetable will greatly help people with diabetes. Commercial tablets made from ampalaya are now available in the market, which is given to diabetic persons.
3. Atis - the fruits, and leaves of this tree is used in the treatment of diarrhea, fainting, and dysentery.
4. Banaba - this tree is very common all over the Philippines where almost all of its parts have medicinal qualities and it is used for the treatment of diabetes and other sickness.
5. Bawang - eating bawang can help decrease the cholesterol in the blood, which will help the person in regulating his blood pressure.
7. Gumamela - this ornamental plant has also its medicinal purpose of curing coughs, sore throat, bronchitis, and other respiratory tract infections.
8. Lagundi - this is one of the most famous herbal plants in the Philippines because of its numerous medicinal purposes. This plant can help cure dyspepsia, asthma, and cough, and are known to also cure rheumatism, worms, and colic.
9. Luya - this plant has many medicinal purpose because of its antiseptic, diuretic, antibiotic, anti inflammatory, and anti viral properties.
10. Oregano - helps in easing the pain of arthritis, and can also cure upset stomach, asthma, and cough. This plant has antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
12. Yerba Buena - this plant has analgesic properties, which means that it can help ease pain when this plant is used. The leaves of this plant is pounded, and added with water for application to the affected area.
13. Virgin Coconut Oil - this is not a medicinal plant but a product of the coconut tree. Virgin coconut oil is used all over the Philippines to treat various kind of illnesses, from simple skin disorders (can be applied in the skin), and various stomach problems(can be taken orally).
home remedies,
home remedy,
natural remedies,
the philippines
Work Outs To Improve Your Health Without Going To The Gym
Aerobics, Boxing or Kick Boxing, Jogging, Biking, or sports like Swimming, Badminton or Soccer are good cardio work-outs.
For a lighter exercise regimen, try Hatha Yoga exercise, which is very much like ballet dancing because of its slow, fluid and graceful movements. Hatha Yoga has yoga ‘asanas’ or poses which should be executed in coordination with proper breathing techniques. Categories range from easy to extreme asanas.
Among all work-outs, Hatha yoga is probably the most holistic exercise regimen. Aside from helping your body become flexible and your posture gracefully aligned, Hatha yoga also works wonders for your internal body systems. There are certain poses that will effectively help improve your digestion and elimination, your sleeping defects and discomforts, and your postural defects as well. It also includes core exercises that target your abdomen, which is the central and integral part of your body. A poor and unhealthy abdominal muscle tone is actually the root cause of lower back ache, a most common complaint in people of all ages. There are yoga asanas that target these neglected core muscles where the central seat of ‘chi’ or the ‘life air’ is situated. Hatha yoga allows proper circulation of chi around the body. Simply find a bona fide yoga instructor and enjoy the benefits of a healthy yoga lifestyle.
Meditating Your Fat Away
Some overweight people has this tendency to eat whenever they get depressed or during periods of stress. Binge eating or “pigging out” helps ease stress and depression for many people, so it is not a surprise that depression on the rebound may produce fat people. The healthier thing to do is practice yoga and learn meditation.
Starting meditation is easy with stretching your body. Relax and stretch your toes, continuing upwards to your lower limbs, legs, thighs, lower back, torso, shoulders, arms, neck and then the head. When you are fully stretched, sit down keeping your body erect, then gently close your eyes. Breathing slowly, focus on your breathing; continue with slow and deep breathing.
You should make yourself feel good, so think of something that makes you feel good, something that is special to you. You can think of an enticing place to visit, the face of a person who is dear to you, your favourite pet, or even a childhood cuddly toy. You must concentrate on something that will bring you happy and calming thoughts.
Meditation may not completely cure depression but it is known to alleviate it. Remember that when you are feeling down and is drawn to your kitchen, refrigerator and cupboards you have to fight the impulse. Sit down, try to feel better, achieve a feel good feeling by meditating instead of eating. Weight loss can be achieved by telling yourself binging is not healthy, and not the cure for
your loneliness and depression.

your loneliness and depression.
Inhale and exhale, spend a few more minutes imagining that you are light as a feather. Visualize twirling in a fragrant field of flowers, or dancing in a sparkling ballroom with the man of your dreams. Imagine how good it will feel when you can wear beautiful gowns with a young godlike Romeo. Surely Romeo wouldn’t to dance with a fat damsel encased in silk like a fat sausage. The feel good vision should inspire you to stick to your diet and weight loss program. Good meditation techniques will give you the incentive to avoid food that are not good for you.
Meditate your fat away by always cultivating the feel good state. Once you have conquered your depression, it will be easier to say no to sweet treats and walk away from food that will make you look like a spicy bologna.
how can i lose weight,
how do i lose weight,
how to loose weight,
how to lose weight,
weight loss,
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Using Mundane Things As Weapons To Defend Yourself
In a life threatening situation, any type of object that can be easily reached can be utilized as a weapon. For women some of these items are found in the shoulder bags that they carry such as:
- Lipstick tube.
- Cellphone.
- Ballpoint pen.
- Toothbrush.
- Perfume bottle.
- Hairbrush.
- Folding umbrella.
- Make up kits.
- Keys.
Although this is usually the case, most women do not know how to use any of them as a weapon of sorts.
Tips to utilize these items effectively:
- Strike soft tissue targets and vital parts like the eyes, the throat, the groin, the ears, and the nose.
- Surprise your assailant by palming the item and striking when he least expects it.
- Strike decisively. A correctly placed strike with enough force to stun or disable your attacker may well save your life.
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