The capacity of women in giving birth ends after menopause. Men are still capable of making their partner pregnant even up to their 70's, like some famous celebrity fathers. The health of the first time mothers were always the focus in monitoring the health of the baby, but recent findings have shown that the condition and age of the father should also not be ignored. The belief that the quality of the mens sperm is the same from its puberty until he dies, is definitely not true. This belief is mainly because of the patriarchal society of most nations. Men are also like women, they have also a biological clock that ticks away the capacity to reproduce as the years pass by. Men in their 50's can still be a father, but will definitely take a longer time to make her partner pregnant compared to a 30 year old father.
As men grow old, the testes becomes small and decreases in size, and the swimming ability of the sperm decreases. We all know that the very hard journey that the sperm travels in order to fertilize an egg, and if their swimming ability is hampered, the chances of the sperm of getting the egg fertilized decreases.
The condition and age of the biological father has a great and disturbing effect on the baby. One disorder that has been seen on newborns with fathers aged 40 years and up is autism. This kind of disorder has a much lower occurrence on newborns with fathers aging 39 years and below. The risks of having babies with birth defects increase as the age of the father increases. Fathers at the age of 50 have babies with achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder because of the mutation of the genes. The chances of cognitive impairment also increases with babies with very old fathers.
Even before the conception of your baby, looking ahead and planning for the future will have a great effect on the growth of your future child. The man must always have an open communication with his partner in order to prepare themselves on what changes that they will encounter. For men who still don't have any plans on starting a family even when they are already about to reach the age of 40, they must always make their self fit always, eliminate all vices in order to reduce the risk of complication in your offspring. We must see pregnancy as our chance of taking care of a wonderful gift given to us, and facing the changes that you will face in the future together with your partner.
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